
邓浏睿,女, 1978年生,湖南省长沙市人,教授,博士生导师,理学博士。

主要从事投资者行为、ARA建模及仿真、风险控制、证券市场及其他经济指标预测分析等研究工作。现担任《Applied Economics》、《Journal of Global Economics》、《British Journal of Economics》、《Applied Economics Letters》、《Applied Financial Economics Letters》、《Cogent Psychology》等国际期刊的审稿人






1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,71201051,证券市场中ARA的建模算法及实证研究, 2013/1-2015/12,19万,已结题,主持。


3. 湖南省自然科学基金,2018JJ3354,基于CPT理论的复杂金融网络研究,2018/3-2020/12,5万,在研,主持;




7. 湖南省博士后基金,2012RS4028,ARA模型在证券二级市场中的开发及应用,2013/1-2013/12,5万,已结题,主持;


9. 湖南师范大学博士启动金,2014BQ11,ARA技术在金融领域的应用,2014/6-2017/6,8万,已结题,主持。


1. Liurui Deng, One-period pricing strategy of‘money doctors' under Cumulative Prospect Theory, Portuguese Economic Journal, SSCI,2017,DOI 10.1007/s10258-017-0133-1;


3.Liurui Deng, Dynamic pricing strategy of ‘money doctor’ under Cumulative Prospect Theory, Journal of Behavioral finance, SCI, 2016, 18, DOI: 10.1080/15427560.2016.0103323

4.Liurui Deng and Bolin Ma,Almost everywhere convergence of Riesz means related to Schrödinger operator with constant magnetic fields. Abstract and Applied Analysis, SCI, 2014,DOI: 10.1155/2013/859680(影响因子1.318,SCI一区);

5.Liurui Deng, Zhongkai Li, Bolin Ma and Huoxiong Wu,Rough multiple singular integrals along hypersurfaces,Acta Mathematica Scientia, SCI, 2014, 31(5):2081-2098;

6.Liurui Deng,L^2-Estimate for Riesz mean related to Schrodinger operator with constant magnetic field on the multiple Wiener-Ito Integrals, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, SCI,  2014, 11(4):181-189;

7.Liurui Deng and Bolin Ma, Application of adversarial risk analysis model in pricing strategies with remanufacturing, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,EI,2015, DOI:  10.3926/jiem.1223;

8.Liurui Deng and Shenggang Yang,Pricing strategies in the remanufacturing market for

the uncertain market size in the second period,Journal of Applied Mathematics,SCI, 2015,DOI: 10.1155/2016/4164295;

9.Liurui Deng, Bolin Ma and Shaoyue Liu,A Marcin-kiewicz criterionfor Lp-multipliers relatedto Schrodinger operators with constant magnetic field,Science China,SCI, 2015,58(2):389-404;

10.Liurui Deng, Innovative prediction method: modified high-order multi-dimension mon-equidistant Grey Model GM(1,1), Journal of Grey System, SCI, 2015,18(2):65-72;

11.Liurui Deng, Shenggang Yang and Zongyi Hu, Grey prediction of oscillating data based on empirical model decomposition and modified Savitzky-Golay, SCI, The Journal of Grey System, SCI, 2014, 11(4):371-378;

12.Liurui Deng, Zongyi Hu, Shenggang Yang and Yanyang Yan, Improved non-equidistant Grey Model GM(1,1) applied to the stock market, Journal of Grey System, SCI, 2015, 15(4):189-194.

13.Liurui Deng,The optimal insurance policy for the general fixed cost of handling an indemnity under Rank-Dependent Expected Utility Journal of Applied Mathematics,SCI, 2015,DOI:10.1155/2015/18606;

