消费者行为(Consumer Behavior),食品消费(Food consumption),绿色营销(Green marketing)及社会认知(Social cognition)等。
2010.10-2016.07 University of East Anglia, Norwich Business School, 市场营销学博士
2008.09-2010.06 湖南大学工商管理学院,市场营销专业,管理学硕士
2002.09-2012.06 湖南工业大学,保证与印刷学院,印刷专业,工学学士。
2022.01-至今 湖南师范大学商学院副教授
2020.04-2021.12 湖南师范大学商学院讲师
2017.03-2020.03 湖南大学工商管理学院,市场营销博士后
1. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,20YJC630236,新零售环境下电商自有品牌购买行为及影响机制研究,2020.01-2022.12,,在研,主持;
2. 湖南省哲学社会科学基金青年项目,2018343,新零售下湖湘企业自有品牌营销决策机制研究,2019.01-2020.12,2万,在研,主持;
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M642979,企业自有品牌决策研究:影响机理与策略优化,2019.01-2020.12,5万元,结题,主持;
1. Zhou, L., & Zhu, G. (2022). Mind the gap: How the numerical precision of exercise-data-based food labels can nudge healthier food choices. Journal of Business Research, 139, 354-367. (SSCI)
2. Zhou, L., Gao, L., & Zhu, G. (2020). Can a Single Digit Make Consumers Eat Less? the Influence of Calorie Presentation Format on Consumers’ Unhealthy Food Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research Volume 48, 816-819. (SSCI)
3. Zhou, L. (2021). Antecedents of similarity perception for store-branded lookalikes. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. Forthcoming. (SSCI)
4. Zhu, G., Liu, Y., & Zhou, L. (2020). The red packet interaction and brand attitude in the brand communities on WeChat. Journal of Product & Brand Management. (, Corresponding author, SSCI)
5. Zhu G.W., Chryssochoidis, G., and Li Zhou (2019). Do extra ingredients on the package lead to extra calorie estimates, European Journal of Marketing, 53 (11), 2293-2321. (Corresponding author, SSCI).
6. Zhu, G.W., Li, H., and Li Zhou. (2018). Enhancing the development of sharing economy to mitigate the carbon emission: a case study of online ride-hailing development in China. Natural Hazards, 91(2), 611-633. (Corresponding author,,SCI/SSCI).
7. Dobson, Paul W., and Li Zhou.* (2014). The competition effects of lookalike private label products. National Brands and Private Labels in Retailing. Springer, Cham, 17-26. (the leading conference proceeding the Brand and Private Label Research Sector)
8. Dobson, Paul W., and Li Zhou. “Towards a Deeper Understanding of Lookalikes: Similarity Judgement, Imitation Patterns and Price Influence”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 2013.
9. 朱国玮, 周利. “基于遗忘函数和领域最近邻的混合推荐研究.” 管理科学学报, 2012, 15(5): 55-64. (CSSCI)
10. 朱国玮,周利. “消费券的经济学解释及发放策略研究”, 消费经济, 2009(4): 24-27. (CSSCI)
11. 朱国玮,周利. “MBA 商业案例出版发行模式探讨”, 出版发行研究, 2010(4): 49-51. (CSSCI)